So you're watching a movie together with your partner and begin to think naughty things in your head about what you want to do with them?.........but they look at you like you're crazy or like they have just met you for the first time and don't know who you are.
Or how about you and your partner talking freaky to each other in between work breaks about how much you can't wait to get home...get settled and give them tha bizness?..........but nothing ever happens because you got into an argument earlier about something that's totally not important.
Have you ever stayed up socializing and having a few drinks that eventually builds you up to intimacy?....only to look over at your partner sleeping the night away.
There's also some times that you might feel like Mary J. Blidge's old hit song, "Reminisce On The Love We Had." But that's all you can do is reminisce because your partner continues to make excuses of their lack of effort for rekindling that flame that was once lit in the romance department.
Or has your partner ever gotten pissed off because they felt like you didn't appreciate their effort, which may have been a simple or weird stare, a quick flash of a naked body part, a few kindergarten kisses here and there and some Barney communication such as, "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family."
I know what you may be thinking, "Sure isn't how we use to get started, damn."
Well, ladies and gentlemen, at our age range, "Love Communication," or shall I say "Foreplay," is very important in our society. And I 1,000 percent disagree with people who think it isn't. Since I'm a man, I think I'll speak on the ladies first.
Ladies! Lets keep it simple, satisfy your man, and he will satisfy least make more of an effort to satisfy you if he's being satisfied. A simple push and shove, a rub on the foot, or a few quick kisses is not cute at all. A man's private part, (especially ones who are getting up there in the age) aren't exactly like robots anymore. I so wish I could go back to my high school and college days where all it took was a look and Mr. Mandigo would quickly rise to the occasion. Call it a sensitive act if you want, but we need to be loved in similar ways that you need to be loved. A man usually plays what kind of affection a woman has for him. The most attractive thing to a man can be coming home to a lady in the streets, but a freak in the bed. Let me give you a few examples:
Instead of Staying Mad............Get Glad!!!
If you have an argument with your man, and it's not that serious.....GET OVER IT! I understand it may take time to get over some things in certain situations. But being mad about him not cleaning up after himself or not taking out the trash for two days isn't cool at all. What can you do to get over your little temper tantrum? Well if he's not taking out the trash, continue to let the trash build up and surprise him one day by laying in the bed naked and cover yourself with some "fake/pretend" trash...(by any means, not real trash, lol) and then ask him, "So are you gonna take the trash out now?" I'll bet you he will have that trash out everyday of the week.
If Your Man's Frustrated.........Calm Him Down....Or Shall I Say Up!?!?!
Okay...just like women do with men, when a woman is at fault for something and knows she is, us men can get frustrated. We can have motor mouths just like women when we tell you all about yourselves. Want him to shut up? Well, don't say anything....just let him keep talking and go up to him and do what "HE" likes for you to do. I guarantee you his mouth will literally shut up within seconds....depending on how good you are, lol.
It Ain't No Fun If the Homies Can't Have None!!!
One thing I never want my woman to complain about or to say to me is, "Twon, you've lost your touch." Ladies should be thinking the same way. If I'm letting myself go and looking like a Mel Gibson mugshot photo, I don't expect my girl to look at me the same way she use to...OR I expect her to look elsewhere. Ladies, just because you got or had the man, doesn't mean you get to keep the man while being careless. Whether people admit it or not, looks are very important in a relationship. You want to be attracted to the same person you fell in love with, otherwise, things can go downhill. And when I say "letting yourself go," I don't just mean by looks, I also mean activities in the bedroom. It shouldn't be a drill every night where you get in the same position. The man is loving you, but you can love the man too...on top, bottom, sideways, backwards, etc. I think Lil' Wayne said it best in one of his songs of Tha Carter 3, "Baby girl, don't you, EVA, Get 2, Comfortable."
Sometimes having too much pride can lead into disrespect and a lack of romance. I understand there are some fellaz out there who have the "I ain't gonna take no shit from her," syndrome...and believe me, I use to be that guy. But all it does is lead into more arguments or altercations. If you know what kind of attention your woman likes, stop playing and GIVE IT TO HER! (If she deserves it)
If You Give, Then You Shall Receive
Oral sex is very popular with us men. We love almost better than actually sex. But for a guy to just expect to have his woman trained, or to put out and not do anything himself.....that's not foreplay, more like oneplay. And YOU are only playing yourself if you do that. One of the most sensitive things a man can ever talk about, touch, or feel on a woman, is her body. Knowing where and how to penetrate the proper organs will give you in return EXTRA and SPECIAL attention that you want. That's why it's important to get real familiar with your partners body at the beginning of the relationship. You have to learn and teach yourself a few things, as well as she. In the end result, it's a fair exchange.
Reward Her!
I think more men than women have to step a lil' outside the box when it comes to "making her happy" rather than when it comes to "making him happy." As a man, it's real important to recognize when your woman is having a bad day. It's really all about how you approach her. If she's having a bad day, and you still want sex, IT STILL CAN HAPPEN!!! But you have to be there for here and comfort her in her time of need. A massage usually stimulates the mood and breaks her away from stress. If you see her taking a bath, as corny as it may sound to you, but offer to wash her up, or rub her down....this is all part of foreplay.
The Neck is a Killer!
Anyone in their right mind knows that most women love to be kissed/licked on their neck...especially while holding them from behind. This is definitely a mood setter and a big factor in foreplay. If you haven't been on good speaking terms, been arguing, sometimes it's best to just say nothing and turn your words into actions. Not saying that this works all the time for some people. But in reality, there comes a time where a man and a woman must get over themselves and think about that other person.
Patience is a Virtue
One of my biggest issues in the past was having patience. When men want it, they want it NOW! Only that it might not turn out that least 60 percent of the time. If you had nights that you planned or things you wanted to do, but they didn't happen because the other person fell asleep, or for whatever kind of reason, have patience. And when I mean have patience, there's always XXX videos that you can take your frustration out on instead of going out and cheating with the other person. I particularly like to take my frustrations out on Pinky and Cherokee D' Ass when my days or nights get lonely. All I'm saying is, when that woman wakes up the next morning, she's going to realize that she left you hangin and is definitely wanting to make up for it. Keep a positive attitude about it the next morning and you shall get what you want. Hey, morning sex is better than no sex.
A Word to the Wise!
Men and women don't have to be on an equal basis when it comes to foreplay and sex. All they have to do is know each other and communicate with mind, body and soul. Don't mess up a beautiful thing Girls and Boys!!!!
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