Honestly, after listening to this, I wasn't so much angry by her using the term "nigger," because it is carelessly tossed around anyways. What I was more angry with was her being rude and disrespectful to her caller (the black woman) on the phone. This so-called doctor told the woman, "Don't NAACP me!".....and she continued to cut her off when she was trying to make a point. Before Schlessinger's race rant, the woman originally called in for advice on how to handle certain comments that were offensive when her husbands friends are over. However, instead of giving her "appropriate" and "professional" advice, Schlessinger decided to make her own point by saying that some people are too sensitive when it comes to racist remarks, or the use of the "N" word. After hearing this, my guess is that most black people would call Schlessinger a racist, but I don't think she is. She's a half-breed.
What is a half-breed?
A half-breed (my own word and definition) is a person who is half-racist, and chooses to be in denial because of the way they are perceived by the public. On the outside, the public looks at their profession, their friendship, etc. These half-breeds understand what racism is and have been raised by their families not to be a racist. However, they feel that certain words and remarks are okay to use because they have been used by the other race in a way. For instance, Danny Glover and all black people's best friend, Mel Gibson. At my high school, especially in college, and even after college, I can't even begin to tell you how many half-breeds I've seen and what kind of comments they have made. Here are just a few:
Half-Breed Comments:
"I'm not racist, but there's two different kinds of black people; a black person, and a nigger." - From a guy in a Wal-Mart store in Huntington, W.Va.
"I'm so scared of you all's baby mama's" - comment from a white girl in college
"I don't understand why so many black people get mad at the "N" word when they call each other that" - random guy in college
"You all have Obama in office and are still complaining" - Dr. Laura Schlessinger
"Man, this nigga is trippin!" - comment from a white girl in Huntington, W.Va. who dates black guys
"I'm not a racist, I just don't like what black people do sometimes" - random guy in Louisville
Half-breeds usually make comments around other half-breeds. But sometimes, as we have seen with certain celebrities and friends, a half-breed will say what they're thinking out loud and feel that it's not offensive to anyone. For a white person who thinks it's okay to say the "N" word....then go for it! Be my guest. But I don't think they would parade and walk around Louisville's West End or Lexington's East End and say it....or anywhere at that. Not that I'm promoting violence. The half-breed hasn't been mis-educated, they form their own opinion, which can get them into trouble. Dr. Schlessinger's comments were a perfect example of what a half-breed says or thinks. That's why she decided to take herself off the air (so much for thinking out loud).
We all know Mel as a pretty good actor/director and an average guy. That's how "we," the public, perceive him to be without knowing anything about his personal life and family. At first, we forgave Mel when he talked about the Jews while receiving a DUI. But with this recent audio of him telling his baby mama that he hopes she gets raped by a pack of niggers, more room for forgiveness, except for Whoopi Goldberg. But in order to understand Whoopi, you have to remember when she was with Ted Danson when he painted himself black, lol. Another half-breed is the Bounty Hunter.
Now we all know when he shared his thoughts about his son marrying a black woman. But then he went on this "crying" run with Al Sharpton and begged for forgiveness. And what does the American public do? Take him off the air for a short time and then put him right back on T.V. again. Nice punishment.
Why do black people use the "N" word with each other so much if it's offensive?
Well the first answer to that is because the word has been used so much on us that it will forever be embedded in our heads. Also, we have to trace back to the civil right era's. I can look at a black movie that was made in the 60s and 70s and see black people call each other the "N" word. And as for Dr. Schlessinger's comments about black comedians using it all the time, she's right. But it's used in comedy, and not by a white person. Sorry, but you gave us the word, we took it, and you can't have it back; it's 2010.
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